Return and Refund
We inform you that pursuant to art. 59 D.Lgs. 206/2005, as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014, the right of annulment is excluded in the following cases:
- order of products made to measure or clearly personalized;
- order of products that are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
- order of Sealed Products which are not suitable for return for hygiene or health protection -reasons or which have been opened after delivery.
With reference to the cases of exclusion of annulment listed above, in particular, you are informed and accept that among the "Products that risk to deteriorate or expire quickly" includes those Foodstuffs whose characteristics and qualities are subject to alteration, also as a result of improper storage by Thy after delivery.
Without prejudice to the foregoing in the matter of exclusion of the right of annulment, you have the right to withdraw from the contract, without stating the reasons, within 14 days from what you or a third party in charge of you (i) received the product or (ii) in case of purchase of several products delivered separately with one order, received the last product.
In order to exercise your right of annulment, you are obliged to inform Fattibene, with registered office in Bovino (FG), Contrada Padula, of your decision to withdraw from this contract by sending an explicit statement to Fattibene, in the manner you prefer. In order to facilitate the timely handling of your request, we invite you to use the contact form or communicate to the e-mail address your decision to withdraw using the attached withdrawal form. In case you choose this option, we will send you without delay an email confirmation of receipt of the annulment to the email address you provided at the time of the purchase of the product, containing the return form to be included in the package, and the instructions for returning the product, to be sent no later than 14 days after to:
Contrada Padula, Strada Provinciale 122
71023 - Bovino (FG) Puglia
The eventual refund of the price paid and the related shipping costs will be effected, where possible, through the same means of payment used by You at the time of purchase of the Product.